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We are expanding into

the Dominican Republic

Through years of relationship and research, we have decided to expand our programs into the Dominican Republic, serving Haitian populations that have migrated and resettled their families in new communities - and need help.


What this means

We will serve a new community of Haitians in a new place, likely in new ways as we more robustly learn the needs of the people in the DR, the challenges they face, and what role we can play in their sustainable development.

What You Can Do

We will begin investing time and resources into the lives of families in the DR in addition to growing our programs in Beloc, Haiti - meaning we will need help as we grow!


1. Charitable Giving: 

make a one-time or monthly gift that will directly affect the lives of Haitian families who rely on it for survival.


2. Come on a Mission Trip:

We will be in need of volunteers with specific skillsets as we continue to make trips to the DR for medical development and business training.

More information coming soon.

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